Bylaws of Martini Lutheran Church, adopted March 25, 2012


The Bylaws of Martini Lutheran Church may be amended by a majority vote of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting.


A. Section 1 – Regular Meetings

1. The Congregational Voters’ Meeting shall meet at least four times annually during March,    May, September, and once after Thanksgiving. Dates and times shall be set by the Church Council.

a. The March meeting shall hear from the Vice-President the report of the Audit Committee.
b. The May meeting shall include election of Church Council members.
c. The September meeting shall hear from the Church Council a yearly plan of activity of the entire congregation as well as long-range plans for expansion of Christ’s work in our midst.
d. The post-Thanksgiving meeting shall include the consideration and acceptance of the budget for the following year.
e. The Congregational Voters’ Meeting shall be open to the entire membership.

B. Section 2 – Special Meetings

1. Special meetings of the Voting membership may be called by the President of the congregation or by the request of the Pastor, any of the administrative boards, or ten voting members of the congregation.

Notice of the date and time of such a meeting and of the nature of the business to be transacted shall be given at the Sunday worship service immediately preceding the time of the meeting.

C. Section 3 – Order of Business

1. Regular meetings of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting shall proceed as follows:
a. Scripture reading and/or prayer
b. Count of voting members
c. Reception of new voting members
d. Minutes of previous meeting(s), including special meetings
e. Unfinished business
f. Treasurer’s report
g. State of the Congregation report by Pastor
h. Reports from committees of the voting membership
i. Reports of administrative boards
j. New business
k. Adjournment

The President may, with the consent of the voting membership, vary the above order in the interest of efficiency. In general, for purposes of order, Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail.

D. Section 4 – Restriction Pertaining to Congregational Voters’ Meetings

1. Attending confirmed members of a properly called Voters’ Meeting shall constitute a quorum, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws for dealing with certain specific situations herein defined.

E. Section 5 – Pastoral Participation

1. The Pastor is a member, ex officio, of all boards, committees and meetings of the church but has no vote at these meetings unless specifically stated otherwise in these Bylaws or at the time of appointment.


A. Section 1 – Make-up

The Church Council shall consist of:
1. President
2. Vice-President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Administrative Board Directors
6. One At Large member
7. Any member holding the position of Council Member Emeritus

B. Section 2 – Function

The specific functions of the Church Council shall be to:

1. Serve as a point of liaison among the Pastor, the administrative boards and the voting membership,
2. Settle jurisdictional disputes among the administrative boards,
3. Present to the Congregational Voters’ Meeting at its September meeting a yearly plan of activity of the entire congregation as well as long-range plans for expansion of Christ’s work in our midst,
4. Prepare the agenda and set the time and dates of the regular Congregational Voters’ Meetings,
5. Appoint the Nominating Committee at the required time,
6. When a vacancy is filled by the Church Council, the President shall notify the congregation on the next Sunday, through the Sunday bulletin or the morning announcements.
7. All of the members of the Council shall be responsible and accountable to each other and the congregation. As the Council, they shall directly represent the congregation to others when acting on the congregation’s behalf.

C. Section 3 – Meetings

1. The Church Council shall normally meet in January, April, August, October and November. Additional meetings may be called by the President or Pastor as required.

Church Council meetings shall be open to observation by all members except for Executive Session (in which no votes are taken). Observers would be seated separately from the Church Council, and any observer desiring to address the Church Council would be first recognized by the President. All Church Council members shall be present on the evenings when the administrative boards meet concurrently. (See Article Five.)


A. Section 1 – Nomination Procedure

1. The Church Council shall, by the first Sunday in February, publicize its selection of four qualified voting members who, together with the Pastor, shall serve as the Nominating Committee. From this time, the confirmed members may submit to the Committee the names of possible candidates for office.

2. The Nominating Committee, as soon after the January Council meeting as possible, shall prepare a list of candidates drawn from among the congregation who are 21 years of age or over who have also been confirmed members for at least two years. The positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be open to those 25 years of age or older. This list shall be made available to confirmed members of the congregation at least three weeks prior to the May meeting. Only male candidates shall be eligible for membership on the Board of Lay Ministry and for the offices of President and Vice-President.

3. Following the publication of the Nominating Committee’s list, any confirmed member of the congregation may submit to the Committee additional names for inclusion on the list, and such names shall be placed in nomination by the Committee along with the candidates already chosen, provided:

a. That such names shall be submitted at least ten days before the date of the May meeting of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting,

b. That the Nominating Committee, through consultation with the Pastor and the Board of Lay Ministry, shall have investigated the status of the proposed candidates and found them outwardly spiritually qualified for office and willing to serve,

c. The Nominating Committee, at least one week before the date of the May meeting, shall post conspicuously on the church bulletin board, the list of candidates for the following offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors of the various administrative boards, At Large Member, and board members as necessary to complete the membership of each of the administrative boards.

B. Section 2 – Election Procedure

1. From the list of candidates for each elective office submitted by the Nominating Committee, the voting membership shall, at its May meeting, elect by ballot and simple majority, the following officers in the order herein indicated.

a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Eight Directors, specifically nominated for the directorship of the following boards:
Lay Ministry, Evangelism, Bus Outreach, Christian Education, School, Youth, Stewardship, Church Properties
f. At Large Position
g. The determination of the number of members for each board shall be received by the Church Council from each board director no later than the February Congregational Voters’ Meeting. Only candidates defeated for office may be placed in nomination by the voting membership at the election meeting for any office not yet filled.
h. Any existing member of Council who has reached the age of 70 or more and has served on Council a total of at least 25 years (not necessarily consecutively), who has chosen to retire from the Council, shall, immediately upon his retirement, be considered to be a full member of the Council as Emeritus, with all the rights and privileges pertaining to Council membership.
i. In even years, elections shall be held for the positions of Vice-President, Treasurer, Lay Ministry, Evangelism, School, Properties, and At Large.
j. In odd years, elections shall be held for the positions of President, Secretary, Bus Outreach, Christian Education, Youth, and Stewardship.
k. It is good practice, but not necessary, for Council members appointed between elections to fill vacant positions to be ratified by congregational vote during the following Congregational Voters’ Meeting.

C. Section 3 – Installation of Officers – Term of Office

1. The newly elected officers and board members of the congregation shall be installed on the third Sunday in June and shall assume their duties of office as of July 1. The term of office of all officers, directors and board members shall be two years, terminating on June 30 of the second year of their terms.

D. Section 4 – Removal from Offfice

1. The Constitutional term “officer” (Article VI) shall mean any member of the Church Council.

2. Personal Gain – If the Church Council determines by majority vote that a member has used their position or the church’s property, not for service, but for self-interest or personal gain (1 Timothy 3:8), then the member shall be given opportunity to resign at that church council meeting. If the member should choose not to resign, then the issue shall be handled by the congregation under Constitution Article VI.D.2.

3. Absenteeism – A Church Council member is self-removed by failure to attend monthly council/board meetings three consecutive times, or three times out of any six consecutive monthly meetings. The self-removal becomes effective at the adjournment of the meeting in which the third absence occurs.

The Secretary shall keep count of attendance at each church council/board meeting, at which the Secretary shall report the status of any whose next absence would self-remove them.

In the hope of encouraging and restoring the absent member, the President, with another Church Council member or the Pastor, shall visit the member prior to the next meeting. No subsequent visitation is required.

The Church Council may, at a meeting in which a self-removal is to occur, forgive one or more absences and refigure the status of the member on that basis.

The President shall notify the congregation on the next Sunday, through the Sunday bulletin or the morning announcements, of the change in status of a self-removed individual.


A. Section 1 – President

The President of the congregation shall preside at all meetings of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting. He shall, to the best of his ability, enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of the congregation and carry out the expressed will of the congregation as embodied in the resolutions of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting.

All boards, committees, auxiliaries, groups, etc., in the congregation shall be responsible to the President, and he shall be welcome at any and all meetings of such groups, either in person or as represented by such person or persons as he may appoint. He shall also call and preside over the meetings of the Church Council and shall endeavor to coordinate the functions, plans, and activities of the congregation in all its parts for the total furtherance of the work of Christ’s Kingdom in our midst.

The President shall appoint a Financial Review Committee consisting of any two qualified confirmed members of the congregation other than the Treasurer and Financial Secretary (if appointed) to review the financial records of the congregation. The President is a member, ex officio, of all boards, committees and meetings of the church but has no vote at these meetings unless specifically stated otherwise in these Bylaws or at the time of appointment.

B. Section 2 – Vice President

The Vice-President shall submit the Financial Review Committee’s report at the March Congregational Voters’ Meeting each year. The Vice-President of the congregation, in the absence of the President, shall act for and in the stead of the President. The Vice-President shall be available for whatever duties the President shall assign to the Vice-President as the President’s representative.

C. Section 3 – Secretary

The Secretary shall be present at all Congregational Voters’ Meetings and at all meetings of the Church Council and shall enter the minutes of all meetings of said groups in a permanent record book over his or her signature. The Secretary shall conduct all official correspondence of the Congregational Voters’ Meetings and of the Church Council under the supervision of the President. In general, the Secretary shall perform all duties normally pertaining to this office and such additional duties as the voting membership may delegate to the Secretary.

E. Section 4 – Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for accurate recording of congregational receipts, disbursements, budgeting and actual expenditures according to proper accounting procedures. As deemed advisable, the Treasurer shall suggest for congregational consideration, improved methods and systems for keeping financial records.

Also, the Treasurer shall:

1. Present a written, duplicated financial report at Congregational Voters’ Meetings and a preliminary report at the church council meetings,
2. Submit permanent financial records for annual review,
3. Be responsible for monthly remission of offerings for missions and church ministries and for prompt payment of salaries and bills authorized by the congregation, Church Council or the administrative boards as duly constituted sources,
4. Furnish the congregation a surety bond in the sum designated by the Congregational Voters’ Meeting, and such bond shall be procured and the premiums paid by the congregation,
5. Coordinate the flow of monies from the treasury to the work of various boards in such a way that an adequate balance is retained for the payment of salaries and other regularly recurring expenses,
6. Remit to the professional workers of the church for documented expenses while attending professional workshops, conferences, conventions, etc., approved by the board under whose jurisdiction they function,
7. Receive from the Director of the Board of Stewardship a report of all monies received through worship services, special offerings, or any other source, and duly record same,
8. Be responsible for the signing of all checks for payment of bills, salaries or other financial commitments of the congregation of any sort,
9. Have available for all boards a current record of their accrued disbursements and budget allotment,
10. Have the authority to work out with salaried workers of the congregation a breakdown of the worker’s total compensation into salary and benefits as the worker requests.


A. Section 1 – General Duties and Powers of Administrative Boards

1. Each administrative board shall submit a report of its activities at each regular meeting of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting and on such other occasions as it shall require. Such reports shall include specific recommendations, if any, for congregational action and/or approval.
2. Each administrative board shall initiate and carry out such activities and programs within the congregation as will enable it to effectively perform the functions and duties assigned to it by the Constitution and Bylaws, or by specific resolution of a Congregational Voters’ Meeting.
3. Each administrative board shall be empowered to administer all funds set aside for its work by budget appropriation or by special resolution of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting, provided that the Congregational Voters’ Meeting may at its discretion restrict such expenditures to conform with the actual financial condition of the congregation at any given time. Each administrative board shall be jointly and severally liable for all expenditures not authorized either by the budget or by special resolution of the congregation.

B. Section 2 – Organization and Meetings of Administrative Boards

1. Each administrative board shall be under the direct control and supervision of the director of that board. Following the election of the director of each board and the number of board members required, the director of the respective board shall designate and appoint from among the board members, at his own discretion, those individuals who are to be responsible for various phases of the work of that board. Such appointments are to be made within two weeks of the date of their election, and notification of such appointments is to be given to the President of the congregation for publication to the members in the manner he deems most advisable.

2. The boards shall meet concurrently in February, March, May, June and September. At the November meeting of the Church Council, a decision shall be made whether a December board meeting is needed. At the close of each concurrent meeting, the Church Council officers and board directors shall assemble and hear reports from the directors. If there is sufficient need, the President shall call a special church council meeting, with limited agenda, for the express purpose of doing the business at hand that night.

3. Special board meetings may be called by the director of that board, the President or the Pastor. Each person involved shall be notified of the date, time and purpose of such a meeting. Notice of the date and time of such meetings and of the nature of the business to be transacted shall be given at the Sunday worship service immediately preceding the time of the meeting.

C. Section 3 – The Duties of the Administrative Boards

1. The Board of Lay Ministry

The board shall consist of the elected director of the board, an assistant and such other members as the director deems necessary to carry out the board’s functions. The nature of the duties of this board requires that those who will willingly direct their Christian knowledge, zeal and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ shall be elected to membership. The basic objectives of this board are the spiritual welfare of the Pastor and congregation members, individually and corporately, and the supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship. The board, by its nature and duties, requires the election of Christian men of humility, knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall for the spiritual welfare of the Pastor and members:

a. Pray for the Pastor and other spiritual leaders,
b. Encourage the Pastor in his work by word and action,
c. Be concerned about the spiritual, emotional and physical health and welfare of the Pastor and his family (adequate compensation, housing, free time, vacation, assistance in times of illness), and to that end specifically review these items once a year,
d. Assist the Pastor in counseling with difficult cases and in finding peaceful and God-pleasing solutions to personal problems within the congregation,
e. Review yearly the salary and performance of the church office secretary and make appropriate recommendations to the Church Council, or in case of vacancy, interview and recommend to Council a replacement in conjunction with the Pastor,
f. Exercise leadership in gathering call lists and in the process of calling a new pastor when a vacancy occurs,
g. Oversee discipline within the congregation according to Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions and Articles 2 & 6E of the Constitution of this congregation, and when required, make recommendations to the congregation regarding disciplinary action,
h. Render such assistance to the Pastor and the congregation as may be necessary to determine eligibility for church membership,
i. Engage in continual review of Communion and church attendance of all members, make calls on delinquents, follow-up on all newborn children in the congregation until they are baptized,
j. Train and supervise a visitation committee and engage in continuous visitation of all sick, hospitalized, aged, and shut-ins in the congregation,
k. Be concerned about and monitor the instruction of youth and adults for confirmation and church membership in accordance with the policies and aims of the Board of Christian Education,
l. Be responsible for a friendly personal welcome of visitors at worship and for orientation and integration of new members in conjunction with the Board of Evangelism,
m. Be present for periodic training as determined by the Pastor and this board,
n. Encourage and monitor the programs in the societies of the congregation generally for the spiritual welfare of the congregation,
o. Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

For the Worship of the Congregation

p. Supervise the organist of the congregation (and be responsible for finding a substitute or replacement),
q. Provide for vicars, assistants, substitute pastor and guest speakers as needed in conjunction with the Pastor,
r. Staff, train and supervise the ushering staff,
s. See to it that the Pastor is assisted with Communion distribution, reading the Scripture, preaching, etc., as required,
t. Set the time, schedule and number of Communion services in conjunction with the Pastor and congregational voting membership,
u. Review new forms of worship, liturgies, and hymns for use in public worship,
v. Monitor the Altar Guild in the care, use and maintenance of the sacred vessels, the altar, the altar furnishings and vestments,
w. Maintain an adequate supply of expendable items for worship such as Communion cards, pencils, communion wine and wafers, baptismal napkins, candles, etc. in conjunction with the Altar Guild,
x. Coordinate with the Altar Guild all church and chancel decorations and the distribution of altar flowers to the sick and shut-ins,
y. Plan and publicize the services for the year,
z. Supervise the budgeted allotment for the selection and procurement of appropriate music, supervision of choirs, and other related matters in conjunction with the organist and choir director as required for public worship.

2. The Board of Evangelism

The Board of Evangelism shall consist of an elected director, an assistant and as many other board members as the director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are bringing the Gospel to the un-churched, the enlistment of all God’s people in the work of spreading the Gospel, the deepening of the faith of the members of this congregation, proper soul accounting, the strengthening of the fellowship between congregation members spiritually and socially, the integration of new members into the life of the congregation and the general up-building of mutual cooperation, trust and enjoyment among the members of the congregation.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

a. Share with the Pastor in the entire program of proclaiming the Gospel to all people,
b. Encourage prayer in church and homes for sincere evangelistic concern toward all people inside and outside the church,
c. Foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregation members informally and spontaneously to share Christ with one another, the straying and the un- churched,
d. Emphasize evangelism through an intensive every-member education program annually,
e. Maintain an ongoing visitation program, offering people more than membership in a church—a saving relationship with Christ,
f. Promote and direct congregation-wide evangelism undertakings,
g. Be responsible for a program of community relations that identifies the congregation with the Gospel of Christ,
h. Utilize the evangelism potential of the media, internet and various programs,
i. Emphasize evangelism and encourage evangelism programs in and through the societies and auxiliary organizations of the congregation and suggest projects for such organizations,
j. Emphasize, in conjunction with the Boards of Bus Outreach and Christian Education, child and youth evangelism, both in participation and outreach,
k. Canvass the congregation’s area of responsibility and effectively record, study and utilize the results bringing to church the un-churched and straying,
l. Be responsible for maintenance and follow up of a prospect file at all times,
m. Be responsible for contact and follow up of lay visitors,
n. Before organization of Pastor’s instruction classes, conduct special visitations to witness for Christ and to invite prospective members to attend,
o. Be genuinely concerned for those moving into the community and for those (both members and prospects) moving into other areas,
p. Maintain contact with those moving out of the area to encourage synodical affiliation,
q. Be concerned for the reception, orientation and integration of new members into the congregation. This activity is to include selection of specific church activities in which new members are encouraged to participate,
r. Periodically encourage dinners, fellowship nights, etc., which will serve the cultivation, reception, orientation, and integration of new families or individuals,
s. Be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation toward members and visitors and suggest ways and means of improvement,
t. Study and adopt or adapt suggestions by the evangelism departments of Synod, District, and Circuit,
u. Plan, supervise, and implement larger gatherings of the congregation from time to time throughout the year which will further the goals of the congregation,
v. Maintain constant contact with other administrative boards, both suggesting to them ways of furthering the work of their boards through fellowship and drawing from them requests and suggestions for fellowship activities,
w. Maintain an adequate group of willing workers who will help to plan, coordinate, and execute the work necessary to the successful accomplishment of fellowship goals,
x. Provide a general atmosphere of friendliness among the members on a smaller scale by suggesting to groups, societies, Bible classes, and the like, ways of bringing their members into meaningful personal relationships,
y. Plan, supervise and implement recurring yearly events which will focus attention on the major aspects of the congregation’s work,
z. Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

3. The Board of Bus Outreach

The Board of Bus Outreach shall consist of an elected director, an assistant and as many other members as the director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are to coordinate the utilization and availability of the church bus(es) to insure adequate transportation for the members of the congregation and of the community for evangelism outreach, Sunday School, Bible classes, worship services, congregational meetings, dinners and other activities.

That the objectives may be carried out the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals shall:

a. Coordinate along with the Boards of Evangelism and Christian Education an ongoing canvassing effort to recruit new Sunday School students,
b. Provide for the proper training and licensing of all drivers,
c. Keep an up-to-date list of drivers and their license numbers on file with the insurance company,
d. Develop and keep necessary records to assure proper maintenance of the bus(es),
e. Recruit workers to assist in the maintenance and cleaning of the Bus(es),
f. Keep accurate records of all operating and maintenance expenses incurred for the Bus(es),
g. Develop a contingency chain calling procedure to be used in the event of a delay or a breakdown,
h. Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

4. The Board of Christian Education

The Board of Christian Education shall consist of an elected director, an assistant and as many other board members as the director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are to plan and administer the total education program of the congregation to determine policies, to select personnel for the various ministries, other than the school, to provide the necessary means and facilities for the ministries, and to direct and supervise the entire educational program of the congregation.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out by the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

a. Be responsible for the Christian nurture of children, youth, and adults in the congregation, and through them, in the community and beyond,
b. In conjunction with the Pastor, establish objectives, set policies for, and supervise the total educational program for each education ministry in the congregation, including personnel, Sunday School, vacation Bible school, confirmation classes, Bible classes and all other educational groups,
c. Provide for active expression of Christian love and concern as an integral part of the total educational program,
d. Approve curriculum and analyze performance of each educational ministry and seek constant improvement,
e. Continually review existing ministries to determine whether all groups are being served, and recommend revisions and additions as deemed advisable,
f. Make annual analyses, by age groups, to determine the degree of participation in the total membership of the congregation in its total educational program,
g. Maintain“people accounting system” to record members’ participation in the educational program and to follow up the uninvolved,
h. Together with the Board of Youth be concerned for the assimilation of newly confirmed youth into appropriate ministries for study and activity,
i. Work with organizations and other committees to coordinate educational activities within the congregation,
j. Provide, in conjunction with the Board of Evangelism, for the recruitment of pupils for the educational ministries of the church,
k. Encourage increasing participation of every congregation member in Bible study, privately and in formal and informal groups,
l. Delegate administration of educational ministries to qualified persons,
m. Exercise leadership in gathering lists of candidates for vacancies in the teaching staff,
n. Enlist, train, place and continue to train lay teachers and leaders as the congregation’s needs require,
o. Establish a system of commendation for and recognition of faithful service by all persons involved in the educational task of the congregation,
p. Strengthen families as basic units of Christian education,
q. Consider special classes, courses, conferences, retreats and the like for special purposes and for special groups,
r. Consider provision of special educational opportunities for persons with disabilities,
s. Provide for the professional growth of the educational staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education and the like, and request the necessary funds for the same in the yearly budget,
t. Maintain, improve, cultivate and promote the use of a church library,
u. Provide for and promote the use of audiovisual aids and to this end establish and maintain a video library as deemed necessary,
v. Provide and/or promote subscriptions to church periodicals,
w. Study and adopt or adapt helps suggested by the education departments of Synod, District and Circuit,
x. Establish and maintain, in conjunction with other boards, a continuing program for the recruitment of full-time workers in the church-at-large such as pastors, teachers, deaconesses, and the like,
y. Establish and maintain a permanent file of all children and youth of the congregation by age, grade level, and the like and see to it that such a file is kept continually up to date. (Example: Cradle Roll),
z. Annually examine the educational facilities and equipment, and make recommendations to the Board of Church Properties as to upkeep, repairs, and replacements needed as well as new equipment needed,
aa. Check, in conjunction with the Board of Church Properties, the safety of educational facilities—steps, handrails, lights, exits, housekeeping practices, fire drills and the like on a regular basis,
bb. Prepare and submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time
requested by the Board of Stewardship

5. The School Board

The School Board of Martini Lutheran Church shall consist of an elected director, an assistant, and as many other board members as the director deems necessary.

The basic objectives of this board are to plan and administer the total educational program of the school associated with the church to determine policies, to select personnel for the various jobs, to provide the necessary means and facilities for the school, and to direct and supervise the entire educational program of the school.

That the objective of this board may be carried out, the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Encourage increasing participation of every member of the congregation in the school process and make the church aware of the school, keeping the school, its activities, needs, progress, budget, etc. constantly before the eyes of the congregation,
b. Maintain constant contact with other administrative boards, suggesting ways of integrating them with the work of the school at large,
c. Prepare and submit any annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.

Concerning the Church and School Together

d. Pray for the Pastor, director, teachers and all other staff, that they may carry on God’s work in this place,
e. Provide for active expression of Christian love and concern as an integral part of the total educational program,
f. Establish a system of commendation for and recognition of faithful service by all persons involved in the educational task of the school staff and volunteers alike,
g. Check the safety of educational facilities—steps, handrails, lights, exits, housekeeping practices, fire drills and the like on a regular basis. Annually examine the educational facilities and equipment and make recommendations to the Board of Properties as to upkeep, repair and replacements needed and to the Church Council for new equipment needed,
h. Be responsible for a program of community relations that identifies the school with the Gospel of Christ, encouraging preschool families to avail themselves of all Martini Lutheran Church has to offer,
i. Plan, supervise and implement recurring yearly events within the church and, in a larger sense of community, which will focus attention on the major aspects of the school’s work,

Concerning the School

j. Be responsible for the Christian nurture of children enrolled in the school, and through them, to the community and beyond,
k. Work with organizations and other committees within the church and community to coordinate educational activities within the school,
l. Establish objectives, set policies for, and supervise the total educational program for each grade in the school, including personnel (teachers, custodians, food personnel, nurse, bookkeeper, et al.),
m. Set policies regarding tuition, education and employment,
n. Set the time and schedule of the school day,
o. Approve curriculum and analyze performance of each education agency and seek constant improvement,
p. Study and adopt or adapt helps suggested by the departments of Synod, District and Circuit,
q. Review new educational material for appropriate use in the school, keeping current with new ideas, but ever mindful of remaining truly Bible-based,
r. Maintain an adequate supply of expendable items for school use, such as pencils, crayons, blocks, etc.,
s. Train, improve and cultivate the school library, including audiovisual aids, books, and film,
t. Consider special classes, courses and the like for special purposes or groups including, but not limited to, persons with limited disabilities,
u. Establish and maintain a permanent file of all children who are/were enrolled in the school, keeping it continually up to date,
v. Maintain a current list of volunteers who will help to plan, coordinate and execute the work necessary to the success of the school,
w. Exercise leadership in gathering lists of candidates for vacancies in the staff (teaching, upkeep, et al.). Review the salary and performance of the staff and make appropriate recommendations to the Congregational Voters’ Meeting or, in case of vacancy, interview and hire replacements in conjunction with the proper committee so named,
x. Be concerned about the spiritual, emotional and physical health and welfare of the staff and their families (adequate compensation, housing, free time, vacation, assistance in times of illness, et al.), and to that end specifically review these items annually,
y. Encourage the school staff and volunteers in their work by word and action,
z. Provide for the professional growth of the educational staff through conferences, continuing education, and the like, and request the necessary funds for the same in the yearly budget,
aa. Provide and/or promote subscriptions for educational periodicals,
bb. Be responsible for a friendly, personal welcome of parents and visitors at the school and for orientation and integration of them and their families to the school system,
cc. Oversee disciplinary problems, should they arise. Work with and mediate parent- teacher problems, should they arise,
dd. Establish a scholarship committee,
ee. Provide a school budget for consideration by the Church Council at or before the meeting in which Council consider the church budget,
ff. Make the school budget available upon request to the voters at least two weeks prior to the post-Thanksgiving meeting of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting.

6. The Board of Youth

The Board of Youth shall consist of an elected director, an assistant and as many other board members as the Director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are to involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ, provide for their spiritual growth, nurture and promote genuine Christian fellowship for the young people of the congregation. The Board shall be responsible for middle school and high school aged young people while also considering the needs of the younger and older than these groups.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the board either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

a. Provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregation through worship, Bible study, prayer and Christian service,
b. Promote attendance and involvement of the congregation’s youth at all youth activities and retreats,
c. Plan and carry out, together with other concerned Boards, a year-round program for the young people of the congregation,
d. Involve youth leaders from all parts of the congregation’s work in developing a planned parish program for young people,
e. Develop a program for the social fellowship of both young people and the young adults of the congregation, including various recreational programs,
f. Actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the young people’s program at all times,
g. Provide for continual education of young people on topics of current interest to them,
h. Provide opportunities for involvement as servants in the life of the community such as civic, school, cultural, humanitarian, recreational and social groups
i. Plan and coordinate activities for youth with other young people’s groups outside the congregation, particularly with other Lutheran young people’s groups at various levels,
j. In conjunction with the Board of Evangelism, train and involve the young people of the congregation in bringing others to faith in Christ,
k. Provide counseling for the spiritual, moral, social, and vocational development of young people,
l. Recruit, together with the Board of Christian Education, young people for full time service in the church as pastors, deaconesses, teachers and the like,
m. Welcome and utilize the gifts of college students during the summer months for various young people’s activities,
n. Submit, at the time and in the form required, an annual budget requested by the Board of Stewardship,
o. For administrative purposes and program development, supervise the work of all youth and young Adults groups in the congregation.

7. The Board of Stewardship

The Board of Stewardship shall include an elected director, an assistant and as many other board members as the director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures, to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom, and to support the congregation and its work through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, firstfruits giving.

That the objectives of this board may be carried out, the board, either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

a. Study the Scriptural principles regarding the total stewardship calling of the Christian, as a member of his family, as a neighbor and citizen, and as a congregation member, and share these insights with congregation members,
b. Contact and encourage new members for service to the congregation and endeavor to stir up the talents of present members for use in Christ’s work,
c. Maintain a program to discover documents and enlist for Kingdom service the talents God has given all members,
d. Provide opportunities for the development of talents (training courses, workshops, and the like),
e. Conduct an on-going program to encourage the stewardship of members who are remiss in sharing their time, talents, and resources in accordance with Biblical principles and practices,
f. Encourage the Gospel-motivated practice of joyous, worshipful, liberal, proportionate, first fruits giving in response to received blessings and recognized needs,
g. Annually inform all members of the needs and missions of the congregation, and encourage them to commit their treasures for Kingdom work through the congregation,
h. Foster support for missions and benevolences through an ongoing program of mission information and education,
i. Enlist a visitation committee as required in conjunction with the Pastor and the Board of Lay Ministry,
j. Annually prepare and submit as part of the budget of this board a selected list of benevolences for the congregation,
k. Screen all outside appeals for funds and make the appropriate recommendations to the Congregational Voters’ Meeting or initiate the necessary action appropriate to such an appeal,
l. Encourage and enlist, in consultation with the Boards of Christian Education and Youth the young people of the congregation for full time service in the church as pastors, deaconesses, teachers, and the like,
m. Evaluate the offerings of the congregation regularly, and share these evaluations with members of the congregation,
n. Encourage stewardship programs in the societies and auxiliaries of the congregation,
o. Annually review the budgeting procedures of the congregation in conjunction with the Treasurer and Financial Secretary and recommend to the congregation any necessary improvements or revisions.

The Director of Stewardship may appoint a Financial Secretary upon approval of the Church Council. The Financial Secretary shall:

a. Be responsible for the accurate counting and depositing of all receipts for the congregation in a local financial institution(s) and to that end enlist a staff of recording secretaries (“counters”). The counters shall notify the Board of Stewardship and the Pastor concerning contributions by non-members. Counters shall be responsible, under the direction of the Financial Secretary, for the prompt counting of Sunday and other receipts,
b. Be responsible for issuance of regular annual statements to members, showing their offering to date,
c. Furnish the Treasurer with a duplicate deposit slip for all deposits,
d. Be responsible for expediting and safe deposit and keeping of all funds,
e. Be responsible for requisitioning and distribution of offering envelopes.

If the director of the Board of Stewardship should not appoint a Financial Secretary, the responsibilities outlined for the Financial Secretary shall be those of the director, and he shall be bonded in the amount set and paid for by the congregation.

8. The Board of Church Properties

The Board of Church Properties shall consist of an elected director, an assistant and as many other board members as the director deems necessary. The basic objectives of this board are the proper maintenance and repair of church property, the representation of the congregation in all legal matters, and the general protection of the congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature.

That the basic objectives of this board may be carried out, the board, either corporately or through specifically designated individuals, shall:

a. Make an annual inspection of church properties and equipment and recommend to the Congregational Voters’ Meeting needed repairs, improvements, or replacements,
b. Conduct an annual inventory of all church properties, equipment, and supplies, including acquisition date and approximate value of each item,
c. Carry out all resolutions of the voting membership or Church Council on purchases, repairs, replacement of church property and equipment,
d. Determine and engage, with congregational approval, adequate custodial help, (The board shall also meet periodically with custodians to discuss the care of the building, needs and problems in custodial service, and the like),
e. Prepare for the custodial help a detailed list of the required daily, weekly, monthly or annual maintenance of the facilities and equipment of the congregation,
f. Annually review and recommend salaries for all custodial help and to that end study and recommend policies regarding fair employment practices,
g. Determine and establish, with the approval of the Congregational Voters’ Meeting or Council regulations governing the use of church property and equipment,
h. Receive and approve requests for the use of the congregation’s facilities for wedding receptions, recreational activities by various groups and all other activities of whatever nature and from whatever source,
i. Maintain and publish a weekly and monthly schedule of activities within the congregation’s facilities and coordinate, approve or disapprove requests for such activities in the best interests of the congregation,
j. Be responsible for and supervise the use of all property and equipment for the various activities, groups or committees who have requested and received approval of an activity in our facilities,
k. Be responsible for maintaining a current licensed food service manager, and in consultation with the manager, provide a kitchen which meets or exceeds the standards set by the Department of Health,
l. Make and issue keys for church property, and keep and review annually a list of the keys issued,
m. Supervise, control and recommend adequate storage facilities for all church property, equipment, and supplies and the orderly maintenance of the same,
n. Annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church property and equipment and negotiate insurance contracts,
o. Check all property twice a year for fire hazards,
p. Enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting, decorating, landscaping and other projects,
q. Arrange for immediate repairs of an urgent nature and all normal repairs and alterations for which budget funds have been allocated,
r. Obtain legal information necessary for the wise consideration of contracts, deeds, and the like by the congregation,
s. Negotiate service contracts where necessary in consultation with the people who use the items involved.
t. Make annual inventory of official documents in safekeeping and enter its completion in the official minutes of the congregation,
u. Sign official documents and contracts that have been negotiated and approved by the congregation,
v. Obtain legal information on the laws governing non-profit organizations,
w. Be responsible for and administer the affairs of Martini’s St. Paul’s Cemetery,
x. Set all policies and fees for rental, use and lending of church properties, including the parking lot,
y. Submit an annual budget request to the Board of Stewardship in the form and at the time requested by the Board.

9. At Large Position

The duties of the At-Large position on the Council will be deemed to be those which will most help the congregation. They may change from year to year or within the year and be guided especially by a vacancy in any Council position. The Church Council will direct the duties of the At-Large position, annually reviewing where the need is the greatest and guiding the member in the areas which need his attention.

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