Martini Lutheran Staff
Rev. Elliott Robertson, Pastor
Call him ‘Pastor Elliott’ or ‘Pastor Robertson.’ He is ready to assist you in any spiritual way!
Church Office
Monday thru Friday, 9:00 – 1:00
Cricket Hatton, Church Office Secretary
Cricket will be happy to assist you when you call Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. On Thursdays Harriett Jackson or Belle Sparenberg will answer your call.
George Bresnick, Custodian
If it sparkles and is clean, it is because George helped us to have a good environment for worship and fellowship. George is also our faithful Sunday church van driver.
Church Council 2017-2018
President – George Bresnick
Vice President – Vacant
Secretary – Sally Banks
Treasurer – Elsie Kuenne
Lay Ministry – Kerry Meyer
Evangelism – Vacant
Christian Education – Harry Reinhardt
Properties – Harriett Jackson
Youth – Ronnie Bresnick
Stewardship – Bettina Tebo
Bus Ministry – Wayne Rogall
At Large – Jenn Sullivan